Property Management

Property Management


Effective & Professional


PRESTIGE FOR HOME is fully dedicated to taking care of your holiday home or real estate investment. We ensure the treatment of any and all questions related to your property through a personalized service that meets your needs, thus guaranteeing you total tranquility and confidence.


PRESTIGE FOR HOME performs the following services in Property Management:


  • Periodic visits to check and inspect the property;
  • Verify that the entire property is in the proper conditions of cleanliness, if it is not in the proper conditions, the owner will be informed and authorization to proceed with its cleaning will be requested, upon approval of the respective budget by the owner;
  • Before the owner's entry, a general check will be made and the following equipment will be tested: electricity, water, alarm, air conditioning, etc.;
  • Ensure that terraces and possible patios are in proper conditions of cleanliness and drainage;
  • In the event of storms and heavy rains, the property will be checked as soon as possible;
  • Sending correspondence to the owner;
  • Expedite the payment of all bills;
  • Management and supervision of maintenance, after approval;
  • Sending monthly reports on the status of the property.


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Garden Maintenance and Landscaping

Healthy and Beautiful


PRESTIGE FOR HOME offers the garden maintenance service so that your green space always looks cared for and




In a garden it is essential to ensure its proper maintenance.

To this end, our teams are responsible for the general cleanliness of the gardens; the control of pests, diseases and weeds; by fertilization and fertilization; the maintenance of lawns and meadows; cleaning of flowerbeds; by pruning trees and shrubs.

Depending on the characteristics of the site and the plants and an adequate, quality and well-designed irrigation system, water and garden maintenance costs will certainly be lower. 


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Swimming Pool Maintenance

Clean & Inviting


The PRESTIGE FOR HOME pool maintenance team ensures that your pool will be in excellent condition all year round, thus protecting the health of its users.












Verification visits include performing water quality tests, vacuuming and cleaning surfaces, checking water level, checking the pH level, checking chlorine level, cleaning skimmer filters,  and removing garbage that accumulates on the surface of the water.

We recommend that the pool machine set be inspected annually and, if you wish, we can schedule the date for you.


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Execution and Supervision of Works on Your Property

Real and Effective


PRESTIGE FOR HOME takes care of the entire process from the planning, execution and supervision of your work to its completion.



If you want to do works in your home, we take care of the entire process from the  planning, execution and supervision of your work to its completion, as if it were ours,  in order to ensure that it is completed in perfect conditions and in accordance with our quality standards.

After approval, the contract will be awarded and supervised, ensuring that everything proceeds as agreed.


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Maintenance and Supervision of Equipment on Your Property

Efficient and Rigorous




PRESTIGE FOR HOME performs Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance. A quality preventive maintenance service is essential to preserve your home, your investment. We offer an efficient and strict maintenance quality service.


PRESTIGE FOR HOME can help you ensure that maintenance is carried out correctly by inspecting and monitoring all works, nothing will be done without our approval.


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Dynamic and Responsible




We offer our customers a specialized laundry service that will keep your clothes clean and cared for, always using appropriate and environmentally friendly products.


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Attentive and Efficient




We offer our clients a specialized cleaning service that will keep their property cared for and shining, always using appropriate and environmentally friendly products.


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Concierge Services


Extra services for PRESTIGE FOR HOME properties .



PRESTIGE FOR HOME offers a wide range of Concierge services for any PRESTIGE FOR HOME property. 

Talk to us and we'll give you all the information you need.

Subject to confirmation and availability.


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